Based in Gibraltar, Transatlantic Film Productions was founded by Ian Charles Serra, Isaac Barrao and Aidan Charles Serra in 2021. Supported by a passionate and talented team, we take pride in encapsulating a real sense of traditional cinema in our work. We always look to collaborate with the best and with those who share our love for filmmaking. Transatlantic offers various services, such as, consultations, content development and production.
Ian Charles Serra brings a wealth of industry experience to the table, having begun his journey studying acting at Redroofs School of Speech and Drama. His acting career saw him land significant roles in feature films such as The Tunnel and Mystery on Monster Island, performing alongside notable actors such as Terence Stamp, Peter Cushing, Christopher George, Linda Day, Jane Seymour, Peter Weller and Bruce Li, amongst others. During this time, Ian worked closely with the late Juan Piquer Simón - Spanish film director best known for directing two cult classic horror exploitation films, Pieces and Slugs - and saw him take on executive producer and assistant director roles in feature films such as Dirty War, Escape from el Diablo, La Biblia en Pasta, Instant Justice and many more.
Alongside him, Isaac Barrao brings forward an extensive knowledge of cinema having completed his degree in film directing at the University of Barcelona. Some of Isaac’s most notable accolades include the writing and publishing of four horror novels; The Awakening , Diary of an Extinction, Wild and Instinct, as well as, writing, directing and producing the horror short film, Libertad, The Mount (written by Louis Calvente) and The Mount 2.
Last but not least, Aidan Charles Serra saw himself following his father’s footsteps, performing in various theatrical productions before diving into the film industry. Aidan found himself enjoying the process behind the camera lens and went on to study Computer Animation at the University of South Wales, where he looked at 3D animation, traditional animation, editing, directing and screenwriting. His involvement sees him inject a youthful energy and perspective to the company, focusing primarily on overseeing the editing and post-production of our films, The Mount, The Mount 2 and Pandora.